Monday, June 24, 2024

No Way Up (Claudio Fäh, 2024)

You'll live a wonderful and advantaged life if you skip No Way Up which AMC+ tartly advertises as "sharks on a plane." But if the concept and/or trailer looks remotely diverting, then stream you might. Truth be told, the sharks add little excitement to the proceedings; a group of passengers trying to escape a crashed plane teetering on the edge of an undersea mountain is harrowing enough. The sharks are there just to pad the 90-minute running time. But that also means the requisite human story gets wrapped up quickly before the thrills spill. Colm Meaney appears in a supporting role looking sweaty and eager to pick up a paycheck (presumably this role would've been helmed by Kelsey Grammer who was attached early on). Richard Attenborough's grandson Will shows up as a cute homophobe. Best of all is Phyllis Logan who played my favorite character on Downton Abbey, Mrs. Hughes. With Mrs. Hughes on board, you know decisions will be made even if most everyone perishes by the final credits. Overall, quite solider than you'd imagine. 

Grade: B+

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