Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Master Gardener (Paul Schrader, 2022)

Paul Schrader's cinema is nothing if not frustrating. For 3/4, even 15/16 of their running times, his films hypnotize. But then, often in the very last scene, he defaults to the most mechanical trope in mainstream movie history - the formation of the heterosexual couple. As with First Reformed (2017) and, to a lesser extent, The Card Counter (2021), all of which he wrote as well as directed, he sees nowhere else to go after his dénouements. You have to wrestle with this trope unless you're going to forsake even remotely mainstream cinema altogether. But you're free to rage when it's part of the unthinking mechanics of the film, especially given the age disparities between the older men in First Reformed and Master Gardener and their younger objects of desire. 

From the perspective of waiving this particular bee from my bonnet, it's of little use to differentiate the story of this film from any of Schrader's others. Besides, narrative is not my strong point and the imperative of rehashing synopses on what is essentially my film diary deflates me. So, you should absolutely check this out - terrific performances, palpable hothouse atmosphere, savvy pre-dénouement story construction that keeps you hooked, even a précis on getting in deeper touch with the earth (see pic below). But Paul, pretty please - go somewhere different with your preoccupations next time! Maybe work on not getting so preoccupied!

Grade: B+

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