Monday, September 30, 2019

Waltzes from Vienna (Alfred Hitchcock, 1934)

Waltzes from Vienna centers on the agitated artistic temperament of Johann "Schani" Strauss II in Oedipal revolt against Strauss père. Jessie Matthews (star of that quasi-oxymoronic genre - the British film musical) is on hand to prevent Schani from pursuing his muse by forcing him to work in her father's bakery. One memorable scene has "The Blue Danube" being composed to the rhythms of bakers making bread. It's actually more solid than something like The Paradine Case (1947). But unlike that one, there's not much personality in it and it's ultimately forgettable. If you haven't seen, oh I don't know, Saboteur (1942), you should probably do that first. But this one causes little pain.

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